Proven teachers
Our team of top-notch, trained educators have an average of at least 5 years experience.
Proven methods
We have our own original in-house teaching curriculum, refreshed every year, that is consistent with MOE syllabus.
Proven results
In 2016, we helped 85% of our 500+ students
improve their subject exams by an average of 2 grades.
Proven teachers. Proven Methods. Proven Results.
2000+ students
Our students increase an average of 2 grades when they pass through our school.
400+ teachers
Our educators are top school teachers, renowned authors and JC lecturers.
100+ courses
Our in-house developed curriculum is based on the latest MOE syllabus, catering to a wide variety of pre-school, primary, secondary and JC students.
18 Centres
We have 18 centres located at convenient MRT stations all around the island.
20 years
We have been a trusted brand since 1997 in Singapore.
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Crash Course March 2017
Refer a friend to Stalford today and enjoy a course discount!
$50 for JC levels and $30 for all other levels!